Monday, May 30, 2011

In The Home Stretch!

2 more weeks to go!  I can't believe that I'm 38 weeks pregnant and that we'll all be able to meet Leo so soon!  John and I are both so excited and can hardly stand the anticipation.  We can't wait to see who he'll look like, how big he'll be and to finally give him cuddles and kisses.  Our doctor's visits are still going well.  I'm 50% effaced and baby is in ready position.  I'm feeling well, although it's becoming more and more difficult to bend, walk and sleep.  The house looks like it's been taken over by baby gear and his nursery is all ready for him to see.  Our hospital bags are packed and waiting by the door.  I must say that I am thankful that I won't be pregnant during the peak summer months because the last few days have been brutal with heat which makes the walking/be outside thing so much more difficult.  John and I spent yesterday frisbee golfing and lets just say that it was way different than playing back at JMU!  The hills really worked me and carrying an extra 20 something pounds while trying to throw a disc into a tiny basket was....interesting!  Fun none the less.  I'm still working and planning to do so until d day arrives, although I get pretty tired towards the end of so we'll see how long I make it! 

My great Uncle Leo celebrated his 82nd birthday last Thursday but I guess little Leo didn't want to share his birthday :)  There are many guesses as to when he'll arrive..the earliest being 6/4!  So we'll all just have to wait and see!  Can't wait to introduce Leo James to all of his friends and family!!

Fishing at Beaver Creek

Leo's friends (and babysitters?!?..j/k!)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

33 down, 7 to go!

We just had our 33 week check up and all is well.  The little guy is taking up a lot more belly room these days but his movements are still big and quick!  He's still so active and I'm not sure if he gets much rest in there...maybe he's saving all of his "rest time" for when he's out?!?!  His heart rate was 155 bpm and he's measuring a little bit smaller than 33 weeks but the doctor assures us that there's nothing to worry about.  Doc says he's head down already and likely won't rotate too much.  We had my first (of 3..woohoo!) baby shower a couple of weeks ago and had a blast!  We got so many wonderful baby things and appreciate everyone's love and support.  The nursery is almost complete and it's exactly what we wanted for our son's room.  Our "babymoon" to Vegas was TONS of fun!  We ate a lot, gambled some, and enjoyed spending time with our family.  Vegas is definitely different when you're pregnant but still so fun!  We have one more 2 week visit and then we're down to once per week until D Day!  We'll keep you posted!  Enjoy the "traveling baby bump" pictures below.  Love and Blessings to all!


Baby Bump at the Bellagio

"The Babe" and the babe

Yankees baby bump!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Countdown Is On.....10 Weeks To Go!

30 weeks pregnant...10 left to go (maybe 11?!?!)  We just had our last 4 week visit and everything is perfect.  Baby and bump are measuring accordingly and he's still super active.  My belly has really grown over the past 4 weeks and time is just whizzing by.  I'm feeling....very pregnant!  Second trimester was easy breezy...third trimester is just a tad different.  I'm not sleeping all that well but keep telling myself it's my body's way of getting me ready for the arrival of our new addition.  I haven't had any weird cravings but am loving cereal and chocolate!  Bending down is quite a task and I'm finding myself overheating frequently....but it's so all worth it!  I love holding my belly knowing that our son is going to be here in a little over 2 months and that I'll finally get to meet the boy whose been doing all of the kicking and squirming (during the very wee hours of the morning I might add!)  The nursery is looking fabulous and it's filling up with all sorts of fun baby goodies (thanks to our wonderful friends and family who have been spoiling him already!).  We're at the point now where we go to the doctor every 2 weeks to check in on things so we'll keep you posted! 

Babymoon in Vegas this week so maybe we'll get some good baby bump pictures from sin city! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

13 Weeks To Go!

I can't believe we only have 13 more weeks (give or take) until our baby boy is here!  Our most recent doctor's appointment went very well.  The baby and I are measuring right on target and everything is going just as it should.  My baby bump continues to grow and our little guy is still extremely active.  I love feeling his kicks, punches and squirms and these little moments absolutely make my day.  His nursery is coming together quite nicely and we're slowly but surely preparing for his arrival.  I'm feeling pretty good these days; not too much nausea, not overly tired, and excited to enter into the third trimester!  We haven't yet chosen a name but have a few that we really we'll all just have to wait and see!  The moment we're 100% sure on a name we'll be sure to share it with all!  John and I are really looking forward to our "babymoon" in Vegas with our family!  We're heading out West around our 32 week mark and couldn't be more excited to relax in the desert sun with our loved ones.  Our next appointment is in about 3 weeks so we'll keep you posted!  Love and blessings to all!  Baby bump pictures below!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Bundled in Blue!

We had our 22 week visit today and found out that we're having a little baby boy!!!  He's kept everyone guessing thus far but his Mommy knew the entire time (intuition I guess!).  He is healthy and active and everything is moving along just as it should.  He weighs in at 1 pound and 1 oz so he's got lots more growing to do (which means my bump does as well...).  We got to watch him for a long time today and it was amazing to see and feel his every move.  John and I had so much fun sharing our exciting news with friends and family and feel so lucky to have all the support that we do.  After our appointment John and I headed off to get some baby loot!  We got him a couple of really cute outfits as well as a pair of swimming trunks for his first beach trip...which will be around his 4 week birthday! His Nona and Grandpa got him a beautiful crib and changing table.  Daddy and Grandpa painted the nursery a pretty shade of brown and Aunt Sara and Uncle Luke gave him a bassinet!  Things are really starting to move quickly!  Our little dude loves to dance around and kicks quite a bit, but 3 am is his favorite time of day to play.  John and I love feeling him move around at night and my tummy takes some pretty interesting forms when he smushes up in a little ball right under my belly button (it looks so weird!).  We feel so blessed and are incredibly thankful for our tiny little "lion" and can't wait to meet him in June!  We don't have any more ultrasounds so the next time we see his adorable little face will be on the BIG day!  Our next visit is March 2 and we'll continue to keep everyone updated!  Here are a few of his first photos as well as some 22 week bump pics! Love and Blessings to all!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Almost Halfway There!

John and I had another fantastic doctors appointment yesterday.  We are about 19 weeks along and everything looks and feels great.  We heard a strong heartbeat again and the baby is getting bigger and bigger (by the looks of my growing bump!)  Our baby loves to play tricks on the doctor; as soon as the doctor finds the "spot" (where you can hear the heartbeat the best), the baby moves to the other side!  He/she goes back and forth the entire time he's got the machine on my belly (naughty...but so funny!)  Also, we felt the most amazing thing last night.  As we were laying in bed, watching "Breaking Bad", I felt something I had never felt before...a tiny little flutter kick in my belly!  It was SO awesome.  The baby must have really enjoyed the snickers blizzard he/she had just indulged in (actually that was me indulging..don't worry, it was just a mini blizzard...) because it was really moving!  Even John got to experience this one; he put his hand on my belly and felt our baby just kickin' away.  We were both shocked, amazed, emotional, elated and thankful.  John and I are so excited that our baby is doing so well and that my pregnancy has been healthy and fairly uneventful (with the exception of the "first trimester yuckiness").  Our next appointment is in 3 weeks and this is when we get to find out if our bundle of joy will be bundled in pink or blue!  I used to "feel" that it was a girl but now I'm really thinking boy.  Of course, we will be so thrilled with whatever the doc tells us and we can't wait to share the news with everyone!  Ironically, our appointment falls on the exact same day that, one year ago, we found out we had lost our first pregnancy.  I got a little emotional thinking about this on the way home because it really showed me how things have come full circle in such a positive way.  We're both so thankful that one year later we're able to look back on what happened and have a little peace.  We can't wait to meet our baby and can't believe we're halfway there!  We'll keep you posted.  LOVE and Blessings to all!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Almost 15 Weeks!

John and I just got finished with our doctors appointment!  We are 14 weeks and 3 days along.  The baby's heartbeat is loud and strong!  I'm starting to feel better during the days but the nights are full of acid reflux and nausea...but it's all for a good reason so oh well, I'll take it!  Our baby was moving all over the place again today so I think we'll have a baby that's full of energy and likes to go, go, go (like his/her mom and grandpa Sprouse!)  We have another appointment in 4 weeks to listen to the heartbeat and then another one 4 weeks after that where we get to find out what it is...and yes, we will be finding out and sharing the exciting news with everyone!  It's hard to believe that 3 months have gone by and we're well on our way into the 2nd trimester.  We continually thank God for this tiny blessing as well as all of the love and support given to us by our family and friends.  We look forward to sharing more good news!  We'll keep you posted!  Love and Blessings to all!!

I gained weight....not disclosing the number of lbs' but my pants no longer button or zip :)    thank goodness for the belly band!